Checklist: Mold Prevention - Summer Preparations
/Minimize the potential for indoor air quality problems. As school lets out for summer — it’s the perfect time to begin preparing your buildings for the fall.
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Checklist: Preparing Water Utilities for a Drought
/Take action before a drought occurs to make sure your system is prepared to beat the heat.
Read MoreChecklist: Preparing Water and Wastewater Utilities for a Flood Event
/Take action before flooding incident occurs to make sure your water or wastewater system is prepared to weather the storm.
Read MoreChecklist: Fire Protection System Evaluation
/Imagine the impact on your business or organization if a key production line were to go off-line for an extended period of time, if the runoff from a fire event were to cause an environmental impact, or if the assets in your building (from equipment to historical artefacts) were to be destroyed.
Read MoreInfrastructure: the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization)
/There will never be a replacement for face-to-face human connection. Here lies the power of developing social infrastructure.
Read MoreTechnology
/The Scott Outdoor Amphitheater is a free outdoor structure, offering a space for human connections to occur year-round. Like many amphitheaters, it is a space for people to come together, communicate, and connect. Events held in amphitheaters invite social interactions and establish personal relationships. Every year, rain or shine, the Swarthmore commencement is held in this very space.
Read MoreSimplicity
/Welcoming sidewalks and street spaces foster a sense of community and engagement within a public space. By enhancing their streetscapes, Oxford Borough invested in the social engagement of their residents and their visitors.
Read MoreBeautiful Spaces - making us healthier and happier
/Research demonstrates that beauty, more specifically beautiful spaces, produce a positive emotional experience in the observer, enhancing feelings of joy and well-being.
Read MoreSafe Drinking Water Begins at the Source
/Providing protection for water supplies. Source Water Protection has been a growing concern for many municipalities and community water systems. To help protect Pennsylvania’s drinking water, the Department of Environmental Protection created the Source Water Protection Technical Assistance Program (SWPTAP).
Read MoreClean Drinking Water: It’s not as simple as turning on the faucet.
/Where does drinking water come from? The quick and easy answer to this question is - either a body of water or an underground water source. What does that mean? An underground source, like a well, fills with groundwater (that’s what we call water in the ground). When groundwater like rain or snow soaks into the ground, it creates an “aquifer”- allowing the well to fill. Bodies of water, on the other hand, include streams, rivers, and lakes. Unlike underground sources that rely on groundwater, these water body sources are reliant on air, rain, and water that flows down to the source.
Read MoreWhat’s the To-Do with Dog Poo?
/When you leave your pet waste on the grass or sidewalk, or when you improperly dispose of pet waste through storm or street drains - you could be contributing to low water quality and water pollution.
Read MoreRegulatory Update: America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018
/New Requirements for Drinking Water Utilities
On October 23, 2018, America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) was signed into law requiring community water systems serving more than 3,300 people to complete a risk assessment and develop an emergency response plan
Read MoreBaby It's Hot Outside!
/This month we tip our hats to mechanical engineer Willis Haviland Carrier and celebrate the idea that helped make those long, hot days a little more comfortable: air conditioning.
Read MoreLet Your Nerd Flag Fly
/Mr. Zip was introduced in 1963 as a way of acclimating Americans to the new Zip Code System.
Read MoreRecognizing the Hazards in the Office
/What can go wrong when you’ve minimized your strenuous activities, sit in a climate-controlled building with no heavy machinery or equipment in the vicinity? Surprisingly, there are a large number of hazards present in an office setting.
Read MoreMold Can Grow Almost Anywhere
/Mold can grow almost anywhere. The main cause of mold is damp conditions mixed with a warm environment .
Read MoreReducing Fire Risk
/According to the National Fire Protection Association, every 24 seconds, a fire department in the United States responds to a fire somewhere in the nation.
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