Is it a growing problem in your buildings?

Most types of molds that are routinely encountered are not hazardous to healthy individuals. However, overexposure to mold may cause or worsen conditions such as asthma, hay fever, or other allergies. The most common symptoms of overexposure are cough, congestion, runny nose, eye irritation, and aggravation of asthma. Depending on the amount of exposure and a person's individual vulnerability, more serious health effects such as fevers and breathing problems can occur, but are unusual. 

SSM offers a multi-disciplined staff of industrial hygienists, indoor air quality specialists, and facilities engineers capable of performing the evaluations necessary to assess mold and the extent of mold contamination. We understand that immediate response is critical to identify and eliminate the source of moisture and to controlling mold and its growth. Our approach includes a detailed remediation work plan and specifications, provisions of oversight and final clearance testing. We have the years of experience, depth, knowledge, and responsiveness necessary to successfully complete your projects before they become crises. We work with our clients to evaluate and control the hazards and exposures and to identify the underlying causes. But more than solving the immediate problem, we can integrate our industrial hygiene knowledge with our HVAC and structural engineering expertise to get to the root of the problem and cost-effectively, end the cycle of mold growth.

  • Building Inspection and Assessment
  • Management Planning
  • Project Specifications
  • Abatement Design
  • Construction Oversight and Monitoring
  • Training