Helping Clients Acquire Funding!

The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) announced this month the approval of grant funding for both water and sewer projects as well as new water infrastructure improvement projects through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).

SSM assisted several municipal and municipal authority clients in completing grant submission requirements and obtaining grant funding through both the PA Small Water and Sewer Program as well as the H2O PA Program.

This round, we are pleased to have assisted the following authorities in receiving a total of $1,708,865 in project funding.

Muhlenberg Township Authority: Interceptor Replacement

SSM helped the Muhlenberg Township Authority secure a $100,000 H2O Grant for replacement of a gravity sewer interceptor. Replacement of the interceptor will reduce levels of inflow and infiltration and will allow the authority to maintain the capacity of sewage conveyance. This upgrade will also allow for increased service connections and future development of this area, having a positive economic impact to the entire Muhlenberg Township Authority sewer system.

Manheim Area Water and Sewer Authority: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project

SSM helped Manheim Area Water and Sewer Authority with grant preparations and submission, securing $422,865 in Small Water and Sewer grant funds. For this project, the authority will continue rehabilitating a 30” diameter interceptor pipe. Rehabilitation and repair is expected to significantly reduce the amount of inflow and infiltration that enters the system during wet weather. This will allow the capacity of the collection system and the wastewater treatment plant to be maintained to serve future commercial, residential and industrial development. This reduction in infiltration/inflow will also save money and help to maintain the capacities of the treatment plant and sewer system- providing opportunities for future development and economic benefit.

North Coventry Municipal Authority: Sewer Replacement and Sewer Repairs Project

North Coventry Municipal Authority secured a Small Water and Sewer grant for $325,000 with the assistance of SSM in grant submission. This funding will be utilized to support replacement of a deteriorating sewer pipeline as well as repairs to a sewer pumping station. These improvements are expected to eliminate blockages from invasive tree roots, eliminate groundwater infiltration, reduce pumping costs and reduce treatment costs. These improvements will address identified areas of concern within the system. It will also allow the authority to provide more efficient service to existing and future customers, and provide additional treatment capacity for future connections.

North Coventry Water Authority : Water Main Replacement

SSM helped North Coventry Water Authority obtain $175,000 in funds for improvements to its water system. Among these improvements include continuation of efforts to reduce leakage from its water distribution system; elimination of lead pipe, joints and services in the system; and enhancement of the reliability of service to customers. All of these improvements are primarily centralized to the older, original part of the distribution system. By investing in these improvements, there will be a positive economic impact in a variety of ways, including enhanced service to commercial properties as well as decrease in future maintenance costs.

Oley Township Municipal Authority: Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Upgrade Project

SSM aided the Oley Township Municipal Authority in securing $250,000 in H2O Grant funding for a WWTP Headworks Upgrade Project. The modifications and upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant will improve the treatment process. The benefits of this project include, but are not limited to, better management of peak flows, more accurate sampling results, elimination of pump-clogging, and improved removal of non-biodegradable rags and debris.

Oley Township Municipal Authority: Sewer Collection System Televising and Manhole Rehabilitation Project

Oley Township Municipal Authority also secured $100,000 in Small Water and Sewer Grant funding with the assistance of SSM for ongoing inflow and infiltration work to reduce flows and hydraulic constraints within the sewer collection system. This project will include televising the sewer system to determine areas of the collection system that need rehabilitation. Additional improvements planned include rehabilitation of sanitary sewer manholes, as well as installation of manhole cover inserts (or rainguards). All of these improvements will reduce inflow and infiltration concerns within the collection system.

Perkiomen Township Municipal Authority: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Replacement Project

The Perkiomen Township Municipal Authority was granted $236,000 for assistance in funding the Authority’s proposed sanitary sewer rehabilitation and replacement project. SSM assisted in preparation and submission of the PA Small Water and Sewer Grant application materials. The project is expected to include over 4,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer cured-in-place pipe lining as well as the replacement of two manholes and one sanitary sewer line. All of this is expected to save the authority considerably in terms of transportation and treatment costs, allowing customers to avoid an increase in sanitary sewer rates. This project is also expected to create a long-term solution to existing systems nearing the end of their useful life.

Birdsboro Municipal Authority: Hay Creek Raw Water Pump Station Improvements Project

The Birdsboro Municipal Authority was granted $100,000 in Small Water and Sewer Grant funding for the replacement of two (2) pumps conveying raw water from the Hay Creek water source, purchase of an emergency generator for the Hay Creek Pump Station, structural improvements to mitigate flood damage during high flow event, and SCADA and security updates to the Pump Station. This project will create opportunity for future development and will provide a reliable back-up source of water for Birdsboro while the Indian Run Reservoir Dam is out of commission.

#ProblemSolved: Our Environmental Division is here to help. If you’d like to know more about our grant assistance services, send an email to Jamie Lorah, PE at or give a call to 610-898-3044