Supporting Public Works Initiatives
/Township Road Projects
Utility Replacements
Water Main Replacement and Road Widening
Township Roads Project | This project included the rehabilitation of seven roads. The work included replacing 875 linear feet of corrugated metal pipe, the design of 2 ADA ramps, extensive base repair, partial and full-width milling (depending on the road) and bituminous overlay.
Road Bridge Project | SSM provided design, bidding and construction phases services for replacement of a 30’ span Township bridge using a prefabricated ConTech ConSpan Bridge System. Our services included project management, survey, roadway profile and reconstruction design, wetland study, utility coordination, obtaining PaDEP Chapter 105 General Permit and E&SCP approval from the MCCD, coordination with ConTech, coordination with geotechnical subconsultant for subsurface and foundation design analysis, preparing a detour plan, construction inspection and construction phase management.
Utility Replacement | SSM is providing engineering and field support to a Township for a variety of projects including replacement of water and sewer mains.
Trail Conversion | SSM provided field survey, preliminary design, final design, permitting, and technical specifications for the conversion of a portion of a road from a four-lane roadway to a two-lane roadway and a pedestrian/bicycle trail. The project included design of new vehicular medians, a trail separation median and ADA compliant curb ramps, along with signs and pavement markings. The project was prepared as a PennDOT project, due to funding, and included obtaining utility clearance and right of way clearance, as well as preparing Plans, Specifications & Estimates in the PennDOT ECMS format.
Water Main and Road Widening | SSM designed, bid and provided construction phase services for a critical link in this Township’s Water System allowing for a second water main crossing. The project included approximately 2000 LF of 12-inch water main and fire hydrants. As part of the project, SSM worked with the Township Public Works Staff and designed a road widening and repaving.
Infrastructure and Public Improvements | As the Township Engineer, SSM provides construction phase oversight for a number of concurrent large commercial and residential developments in this busy upscale community. SSM works in conjunction with Township staff to provide daily observation services for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, stormwater management, curb, paving, sidewalk and erosion and sediment controls construction.