Mold Awareness Month

Did you know there are over 10,000 species of mold that exist? Of these, only 5 are commonly found growing indoors. While this may seem like a low number, mold can grow on any wet or damp surface in only 24-48 hours and can be hidden for long periods of time.

For mold to grow, water, oxygen, and an organic source need to be available. Most types of molds are not hazardous to the average person, but for someone with asthma, hay fever, or allergies, their symptoms may worsen. Symptoms of mold presence include a runny nose, eye irritation, aggressive asthma, cough, and congestion.

Indoors mold is commonly grown in bathrooms due to the amount of water found there. Mold can also get into buildings through roof leaks and a poor external draining environment. This can cause wooden frames to be weakened which can cause severe structural damage to a building as it spreads quickly. Furthermore, it can be very costly if your homeowner’s insurance excludes mold damage coverage.

There are, however, ways to prevent mold growth. By keeping indoor humidity below 70%, regularly inspecting your HVAC system, being aware of wet patches, and having a good exterior drainage system, many possible mold growing situations are eliminated.

When returning to school or work in the summer, it is recommended to coordinate summer cleanings and maintenance of the building with a trained and educated staff on maintenance. By having a well-kept outdoor grounds and water system, the chance for mold to creep inside the building is eliminated. Keeping a constant ventilation system working allows the humidity indoors to remain low. Finally, check unoccupied areas by looking and smelling for mold. If you suspect mold is growing, contact your local Environmental Consultant for a mold investigation.

We're here to help. SSM offers a staff of industrial hygienists, indoor air quality specialists, and facilities engineers capable of performing the evaluations necessary to assess mold and the extent of mold contamination. We not only work to fix the problem, but to find the root of it. Give us a call if you are in need of assistance!