Embracing Plastic Free July and Protecting Our Environment

With the irreparable damage that pollution and climate change are doing to our environment, it’s become increasingly important to implement practices that benefit the environment the most.

Plastic Free July, a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, is a perfect catalyst to make people aware of their everyday actions that negatively impact the environment. Since the start of the Plastic Free July Campaign in 2011, millions of people have changed their plastic usage habits, resulting in over 200 million behavior changes with about 90% of those changes becoming permanent habits.

Though the Plastic Free Foundation is based in Australia, its impact is felt all over the world, all thanks to this campaign.

Becoming plastic free or lessening your consumption of plastic can positively impact the environment greatly. Plastic Free July gives participants the tools they need to change their habits and the resources to stop and think about how individuals can make an impact for the better and reduce their reliance on plastic.

Plastic Free July is not just about reducing your plastic consumption, it’s meant to make you think about how much healthier our world and ecosystems would be without plastic pollution.

Here are some facts about plastic pollution and its effects on our world:

  1. 10 million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans annually. This equates to more than one garbage truck load every minute.

  2. Less than 9% of all plastic gets recycled.

  3. One million marine animals are killed by plastic pollution each year.

  4. 100% of mussels tested have contained microplastics.

  5. Humans eat over 40 pounds of plastic in their lifetimes.

  6. There will be more plastic in our oceans than fish by 2050.

  7. The biggest collection of plastic in the ocean is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which spans an area twice the size of Texas. It contains nearly 2 trillion pieces of plastic.

  8. 50% of the plastic produced (380 million tons per year) is single use, meaning it’s used for just minutes and then immediately thrown away.

Isn’t it strange that we use it for such a short period of time, yet it lasts for hundreds of years?

Even when plastic does break down, it never disappears completely. As it decomposes, it breaks down into tiny fragments known as microplastics. Because these pieces are so small, they infect everything, including our waterways.

Water affects everyone’s life in a plethora of ways and as climate change, pollution and plastic production increase, it’s vital to protect our water sources.

Especially as summer progresses, we depend on natural water sources such as oceans, lakes, rivers and streams for recreational purposes. It’s vital to protect these waterways. Someday in the not-so-distant future, it’s very possible that these once beautiful locations could be clogged with garbage and infected by pollutants. It’s important to leave no trace—so be sure to clean up any waste you see or any waste you produce.

Lewis McCoy Sr., PE started his individual engineering practice on the idea that everyone deserves clean water. Since then, the firm has continued to lead the charge in making the world a better place today and for future generations by helping clients plan, design, build, operate and protect their infrastructure, assets and resources. From ensuring everyone has clean water, to preparing for a future with clean energy.

SSM engineers solutions for a better world. Our work touches everyday life; from the water you drink, to the air you breathe, to the buildings and communities where you live, work and play.

Learn more about getting involved with Plastic Free July at www.plasticfreejuly.org.