Spottlight on April Showers
/ Eileen Kaley“Thy fate is the common fate of all; into each life some rain must fall.”
A sinkhole is a depression formed as the underlying bedrock is dissolved by groundwater (usually limestone). Sometimes, surface water entering a crevice in the bedrock may be the cause.
Excessive infiltration/inflow may cause sanitary sewer overflows during wet weather.
Spotts, Stevens and McCoy works in all aspects of Water Resources. Investing in clean water is a good business decision.
Managing the water that falls on the land is a complex issue, and has evolved beyond just installing pipes to carry away runoff from a very small area.
Under the new Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) regulations that will take effect in 2018, new permittees will need to comply with additional obligations to meet the revised general stormwater permit requirements under PAG-13.