2019 BCWSA Data Capture Technology for Water/Wastewater Facility Management

Data Capture Technology for Water/Wastewater Facility Management

Data Capture technology is quickly becoming a way for water and wastewater treatment plants to efficiently collect information, analyze the results, and optimize performance.  There are several methods of capturing this information, eliminating complacency, and documenting equipment and project status in water and wastewater operations.  This course provides an overview of merits and concerns with using new technology for various projects typical with water and wastewater treatment systems.  Section 1 reviews legal and regulatory Issues related to Data Capture and Data Use, such as current FAA rules for drone operators, possible nuisance and trespass concerns when investigating problems, and privacy considerations and rights for utilities without easements.  Section 2 describes Data Capture projects for Water and Wastewater systems, including ways to look at and manage data, what can be done with the data collected, and visual examples of various projects using drones, 3-D Models, and GIS. 

Presented by Steve Smith, Sr. Project Manager, Survey and Data Capture