Story #67 - Boomerang Club

Story #67 is about the value we have in our boomerang employees.

For years we have admired the natural beauty of the boomerang. Thrown in the right direction, nurtured with the correct velocity, and trusted to fly, the boomerang will always return. It’s for that reason that we have opened our arms to welcome our own boomerangs back to their home.

We call them the Boomerang Club. They’ve got a custom SSM boomerang decorating their offices, and they make up a percentage of our SSM team. They once followed the path of the boomerang: left to fly in a new direction and then returned home to SSM. To those employees, we’re glad they’re home.

We know that sometimes great employees leave. While the reasons why may vary, it’s a part of being in business. We also know that sometimes they come back. Over the years we’ve learned that welcoming boomerang employees back to SSM adds value to our organization- extending our mission, expanding our expertise, strengthening our capacity, and solidifying our culture.

From a business perspective, rehiring a previous employee reduces the expenses associated with traditional recruiting and onboarding. But more importantly, while they were away they gained new skills and are bringing that learning and experiences with them. As a result, greater opportunities for SSM and our clients.

At SSM, our people are more than just the work they produce. They are the heart, the passion, and the joy that makes SSM home.

We’re proud to have several boomerang employees on our team. All of which bring a unique value to both our culture and our menu of expertise. Our boomerangs have: solidified our land development department as a fiercely competitive team in the region; escalated their positions to managerial and leadership roles in our company; won industry awards and high-ranking recognitions; presented for community events and real-world learning opportunities; expanded certifications to extend company capabilities; and a whole lot more.

SSM is a better place to work because of the team members we have.