Spotlight on Surveying | Our work touches everyday life
/ Eileen KaleyEveryone Benefits from the Services of Professional Surveyors
If you walk down the street, drive on a highway, take off or land at an airport, enjoy a boat ride on the lake, ride a train across the countryside, take your children to the neighborhood park, or ride/walk on public trail that activity has been in some way facilitated by the work of a Professional Surveyor.
Sam Zook, PLS was a member of the SSM survey team that provided high-definition scanning data of the Ryan/Walter Athletic Center dome roof at Northwestern University in the form of an AutoCAD-driven 5’X5’ grid of point cloud data.
Gettysburg Municipal Authority has six groundwater wells and an intake in Marsh Creek that provide drinking water to approximately 12,500 people.
SSM provided the surveying, high-definition scanning and plan preparation services for the existing exterior conditions of Caldwell Hall on the historical Catholic University campus in Downtown Washington D.C.
Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers. It is the world's most extracted natural resource, and it supports our ecosystems.
National Groundwater Awareness Week | March 11-17
Life as we know it would be impossible without groundwater. It is the world's most extracted natural resource, and it supports our ecosystems.