Environmental Consulting
Reading Health System
Reading, Pennsylvania
SSM has provided the hospital with a wide variety of civil engineering, environmental, and facilities services since 1990. The largest hospital in Berks County PA, having its principal facility on a 36-acre urban campus in the Borough of West Reading, where it is surrounded by residential and other institutional uses. As is common for a large institutional facility, the Hospital is in a near-constant state of expansion and renovation.
Emergency Response Plans Update | Reviewed and updated the Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency (PPC) Plan and the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan to follow state and federal regulations. The Plans were designed to prevent and control the accidental discharge of polluting materials. Included a description of the facility, description of plan implementation, spill leak prevention and response, countermeasures, and emergency spill control network.
Environmental Consulting | Ongoing environmental health and safety services, including asbestos and lead-based paint management, indoor air quality studies, and training programs.
- Conducted asbestos survey for 20 buildings enclosing over three million square feet of floor area. Developed and conducted two-hour asbestos awareness training class for staff.
- Developed a respiratory protection program, including respirator fit testing and training.
- Air Emissions Assessment
- Fluidized Bed Combustor
- Industrial Hygiene Survey for Lead
- Mercury Spill Written Program
- Glutaraldehyde Survey & Monitoring
- Confined Space Program and Training
- Methyl Methacrylate Survey
- Dust Monitoring
- Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Ethylene Oxide