Environmental Consulting for Urban Redevelopment
Hammes Company Sports Development Inc.
Allentown, Pennsylvania
SSM was the lead environmental consultant on the project and conducted an environmental audit of over 480,000 square feet of building space located in the 700 block of West Hamilton Street. The audit was performed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Pennsylvania Department of Labor certified building inspectors and included surveys of asbestos containing materials (ACM), lead based paint, mercury, polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs), and petroleum products – all common hazardous materials found in older buildings. SSM summarized the results of the survey and procedures for proper abatement of the identified hazardous materials for inclusion in the project demolition specifications.
SSM was retained to provide oversight of the removal of over 90,000 square feet of Category I & II non-friable ACM, over 2,600 square feet of friable ACM, and over 3,800 linear feet of asbestos containing thermal pipe insulation. SSM conducted regular inspections during building demolition to ensure protective procedures were being followed, and air monitoring was conducted to ensure that all hazardous materials were contained during demolition. SSM then certified buildings for demolition following their abatement.
SSM oversaw the removal of four USTs uncovered during excavation work and several small ASTs. Three of the tanks were previously closed in place and one tank still contained petroleum. All tanks were properly closed during demolition and site preparation.
SSM provided due diligence and certification of soil as clean fill in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP) Clean Fill Policy. 106,000cy of certified clean fill was cleared for reuse offsite, and a small volume of impacted soil was disposed at a permitted facility.
This urban redevelopment project will change the city landscape and act as a catalyst for other economic development projects and redevelopment projects in the area.
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