Stormwater Design to Relieve Flooding
/Tredyffrin Township
Tredyffrin Township
Chester County, Pennsylvania
- Pugh and Old Eagle School Roads - Designed 900 lineal feet of storm sewer to relieve backyard flooding by rerouting the storm sewer through backyards and reconnecting into the PADOT storm sewer system at a downstream location. The project included negotiation with property owners for easements and obtaining necessary Highway Occupancy Permits from PADOT, preparation of design drawings, technical specifications, and bid documents. SSM provided assistance to Township staff during construction phases, including review of shop drawings and observation of the work.
- Vincent, Maude, and Lisa Streets - Designed 1,200 lineal feet of storm sewer and two infiltration beds to relieve flooding issues within an established residential community. SSM engineers balanced the constraints of the available property area, steep slopes and an Exceptional Value watershed to retrofit existing storm sewers to increase their capacity, steep slopes and working within an Exceptional Value watershed. The infiltration beds were placed within a cul-de-sac on an adjacent Conservation property. SSM provided assistance to the Township staff during construction phases, including review of shop drawings and observation of the work.