Streetscape Enhancement Design
Oxford Borough
Chester County, Pennsylvania
- Phase 1 - Prepared preliminary and final design plans and specifications for streetscape enhancement features along South Third Street between Market and Hodgson Streets. SSM designers worked with the public advisory committee to develop concept and preliminary plans which included design of curb, sidewalk, and ADA ramp replacement; new patterned crosswalks; modification to traffic signals; modification of on-street parking configuration; and pedestrian bump-outs. Additional streetscape enhancement designs included planters, benches, parking meters and streetlights. As part of the project SSM coordinated with PECO, PennDOT, and the Chester County Department of Community Development.
- Phase 2 - Prepared preliminary and final design plans and specifications for streetscape enhancements along North Third Street and at the intersection of Pine Street and Lancaster Avenue. SSM designers worked with Borough staff to develop concept and preliminary plans which included design of curb and sidewalk replacement; sidewalk cross slop adjustment to provide ADA compliant access to adjacent retail establishments; new patterned crosswalks; new streetscape amenities including parking meters and streetlights; and a new, decorative traffic island at the Lancaster Avenue entrance into the downtown area. SSM coordinated with PECO, PennDOT, and Chester County Department of Community Development.
- Phase 3 - SSM prepared preliminary and final design plans and specifications for streetscape enhancement features along Market Street between Third and Fourth Streets. Designers worked with borough staff to develop concept and preliminary plans which included design of curb and sidewalk replacement; sidewalk cross slope adjustment to provide ADA compliant access to adjacent retail establishments; new patterned crosswalks; new streetscape amenities including parking meters and streetlights; retention of existing angle parking; improvements to an existing ADA curb ramp; and full width mill and overlay of Market Street. Project required coordination with PECO, other utilities, East Penn Railroad, PennDOT and the Chester County Department of Community Development.
Oxford Borough | Streetscape