Story #13 - Kittatinny Ridge Project Profile
/Story #13 is a project profile in Audobon Pennsylvania
This was the picture ssm staged for the project proposal - it was intended to showcase that we live, work and plan in the corridor.
Audubon Pennsylvania | Blue Mountain-Kittatinny Ridge Conservation Project
map of corridor
SSM assisted Audubon Pennsylvania in its efforts to develop the Blue Mountain-Kittatinny Ridge Corridor into Pennsylvania’s premier greenway. SSM’s role centered around the development of a corridor-wide GIS product. The GIS project consisted of gathering and developing spatial data within the geographic limits of the project study area. A comprehensive list of data was the end product and included land ownership, stewardship data, government contact links, sensitive flora and fauna data, and other planning and environmental information. Initially, the GIS project was made available to governing, planning, and environmental agencies within the study area with the expectation that the data would enable those agencies to more efficiently attend to their professional responsibilities while keeping in mind the conservation goals. The project was developed into a web mapping application for the general public.
SSM also assisted Audubon in hosting a series of public meetings, one in each of the 11 counties where the corridor lies. In each of those meetings, participants were shown a slideshow on the importance of the mountain for many wildlife, conservation and recreational uses. Public meeting participants had the opportunity to move about the room to different GIS-produced exhibits. The participants also had the opportunity to discuss their values about the greenway, how they use it, and voice concerns about the natural resources of the greenway.
Daniel McBrien, CEM has been approved as a Tune-Up Specialist by the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Sustainability.